Over the last few weeks we have welcomed Lauren into the studio for some work experience. It’s great to see how such a short period of time can impact a budding designer in the making.
Read about Lauren’s experience first hand below.

My work experience at Big Blue Dog is one to remember. From the very first week when I stepped foot into the office they have made me feel extremely welcome, and have helped me every step of the way.
When I first arrived at BBD I was under the impression that the only side to Graphics was the version they taught you in school. Turns out; I couldn’t be more wrong. At school I adored Graphics, I loved the creativity it entailed and sometimes the difficulty of a shape I couldn’t quite master, then I found out what BBD did and I fell in love even more.
Now that I know what BBD does and just how amazing it is, I would no longer consider a career path that would use what we have been taught first through fifth year. The first week I came into the office I was unsure what career path I really wanted to go down. I had already tried the Vets and decided it wasn’t for me, but I’m really glad I found Big Blue Dog as now I am sure which direction I want my life to go into.
Hypothetically in say 5-10 years time the ideal place to be, would be working within the Big Blue Dog team or somewhere a lot like it.
The atmosphere within the office is one I could sit in and enjoy all day, everyday. Although all members of the team are very hard working there is also a feel of home and comfort that is so heartwarming to be in as not all workplaces are like that, the best part is that the team feels like a close-knit extended family, that I am very honoured to be a part of – even if I’ve just been apart of it for such a small time.
My learning experience here has been one of a kind and I will never forget it.
I have learned the different controls in ‘InDesign’ with thanks to Lorna who took me under her wing. I also got to experience the marketing side of BBD and understand ‘behind the scenes’ of Facebook for businesses under Clare’s guidance. I even had the chance to write a few Instagram posts for clients that hit the mark and were posted. Mick, who was the first person I sat down with explained to me how to find logo ideas and a few creative tips. Amy – who always made sure that I was okay and knew what I was doing and also kept me in the loop when the others were discussing something I had not a clue about. Lyianne who brought me in on the first day and introduced me to everyone has always asked me how I am and even asked me questions about pieces of work that they were doing for clients. And lastly of course, Chris Lord. He was happy to check my work over for me to make sure I was following everything correctly and well… wasn’t making a mess of things.
Through my flexible work experience I have learned many things, I have learned that I do in fact want to pursue a career in Graphic Design and would love to work in this type of environment that BBD provides. I’ve gained great experience working on real life briefs as well as some pointers with my school work. I truly got the best experience here and I am so thankful I got to meet everyone and got the experience I did.
This business has helped me so much and one day I hope I’m lucky enough to return, but not as a student but as an employee so I can continue to learn the way I have been over the past month. My learning experience here has been one of a kind and I will never forget it.